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Where Will Tornado Shelters Open In Case of an Emergency?El Reno Public Schools will open the following shelter sites after school hours when a tornado watch is issued in El Reno: Old Central Grounds - 600 Block of S. Bickford (East of Lucas Hall) Hillcrest Elementary - 1302 S. Miles (South Playground Area) Lincoln Learning Center - 425 Mercy Dr. (Southwest Corner) Roblyer Learning Center - 427 SW 27th (Behind the Southwest Wing)"
Where Can I Find Received Packages?Packages will be delivered and can be found at my office. Our office serves as the designated delivery location for all incoming packages.
Where Can Mail Be Received?Your mail will be securely stored in our designated mail area, which is located in the laundry room of our facility. We have taken this step to ensure the safety and organization of your incoming mail. The laundry room serves as a central and easily accessible location for all residents to collect their mail.
Where Can I Find the Wifi PasswordThe Wifi password will be provided by the administrator of the park upon arrival.
Where Can I Locally Purchase Propane in El RenoPropane can be purchased at this location: Carnot's Propane 1301 Sunset Dr El Reno, OK 73036 405-262-0000
Who Can I Call Locally in El Reno for RV Repairs ?You can contact this local number for RV Repairs: John 405-234-0356
What is the Cancellation Policy?RV Site cancellation policy: Reservations cancelled more than 14 days in advance of arrival will incur a $25 cancellation fee. Reservations cancelled 14 days or less in advance of arrival will incur a cancellation fee of one night’s stay. Cancellation for Monthly Reservations: Reservations cancelled more than 14 days in advance will incur a $50 cancellation fee.Reservations cancelled 14 or less in advance of arrival will incur a fee of one night’s stay.
What is the Check in & Out Policy?Check in is at 2 PM CST and entitles you to your site until 11 AM the day after check in. Early check in is not permitted. The guests who paid for the site the night before you has paid for their site until noon. We will not ask a guest to leave so that you can check in early. If you will be arriving in the area early, please make arrangements until your site opens up at noon. We do not have a waiting area for those checking in early. Check out time is 12 PM. You do not need to contact the office for check out, unless you need to pay for an after-hours check in. Late check-ins are allowed at any time, please just contact the park for instructions. If you are staying in our park for a month or longer, we require an agreement to be signed. Please contact park for more details.
Site changes and or modification to reservationsYou have been assigned a specific site, if you wish to move please check with the office. Due to reservations and maintenance, moving may not be possible. Please inquire before moving sites.
Open Fires on Park GroundsOpen fires are not allowed in our park.
Parking PolicyPlease do not park your vehicle or trailer in an adjacent site. Use of more than one site will result in additional charges.
StorageStorage is not allowed under or around your RV or picnic table.
Site & Park NavigationPlease be respectful of your neighbor and do not walk between sites when navigating the park. Please use main roads, and designated public paths to walk around the campground.
Washing RVs or VehiclesWashing RVs or vehicles is only permitted with 1 bucket of water and a sponge. Hose washing is not permitted, as it can result in a mess and disturb your neighbors.
Are Pets Allowed?"Please note that for the safety and comfort of all our guests, no Pit Bulls or Rottweilers are allowed in campers or on the RV grounds. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all other pets are always kept on a leash when outside. Tying pets up is not permitted. Additionally, please clean up after your pets to help maintain our shared environment. Thank you for your understanding and compliance."
Pet Leash PolicyWe ask that you keep your pets on a leash at all times. This helps you, your pet, and other guests and other guests’ pets stay safe.
Pets in BuildingsPets are not allowed in the buildings. County code laws do not allow pets in our building area. Please do not tie your pet to our trees, doors, or posts.
Cleaning Up After Your PetBe a good neighbor and clean up after your pet, always. Do not let your pet deposit waste on your site or any of our other guests’ sites please. Failure to clean up after your pet will result in you being asked to leave without a refund.
Leaving Pets UnattendedPets may not be left unattended in our park. Please do not tie your pet to a tree and leave. Leaving your pets unattended is dangerous for your pet as many factors including weather, power outages, etc. can affect your pets well-being while you are away.
Pet Vaccinations CertificateDue to Insurance Requirements, all pets must be vaccinated in our park. Please make sure your pet’s shots are up-to-date.
BarkingExcessive barking is not tolerated and disturbs your neighbors. Please note that excessive barking may result in you being asked to leave without refund.
Vehicle Speed LimitThe park speed limit is 5 mph. This policy is to keep you, your children, and your pets safe. Exceeding this speed limit will result in a warning. Multiple warnings will require us to ask you to leave. Safety is our number one priority for our guests.
ParkingEach paid guest registration covers 1 RV per site and 2 vehicles per site unless noted. Please do not park on our grass. Ruts caused in your site due to additional vehicles will result in damage charges. Trailers, Boats, and additional vehicles will cost additional fees for camping. A nightly registration covers 1 RV and 1 vehicle only. No parking in common areas. Do not park in the middle of the road. Do not park in sites that you did not register for and do not block our garages or our bathroom and laundry room doors. Parking on the grass is not permitted at RV Sites.
ATV’s. Dirt Bikes, Motorcycles, and Golf CartsNot allowed to be driven in camp area
VisitorsOnly registered guests are permitted to enter the park. All visitors must stop in the office to register, pay a fee and receive a parking pass. Visitors may not bring pets. RV Park reserves the right to limit the number of people visiting a site. Day visitors must depart by 10:00 pm CST. Overnight visitors must depart by Noon CST. Please check with the office before inviting any visitors. Registered guests are responsible for ensuring their visitors are properly registered and that all campground rules are followed. All guest visiting someone in the park must register and pick up a pass at the office and park in the designated area. Vehicle Pass must be visible at all times please.
LaundryThe laundry room is open 24/7. Please do not leave your laundry unattended. We are not responsible for accidents or theft.
RestrooomsFor the comfort of all our guests, restrooms are open 24/7 with exception of a temporary closing for cleaning. We ask for your help in keeping the restrooms clean, please. Guest under the age of 18 need adult supervision in the bathrooms and showers.
Quite Time PolicyQuiet time is 10 PM to 7 AM. Anyone playing loud music will be warned only once and then asked to leave without a refund.
Trash Disposal & RecyclingA dumpster is available at the park. Please do not dispose of any motor oil, cooking oil, wires, furniture, mattresses, or any toxic or hazardous waste items. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in charges for disposal fees.
ChildrenChildren under 18 must be supervised by an adult at all times.
DronesDrones are not permitted in our park. Please do not fly drones over people or RVs. There are several local area parks where drones are permitted for your enjoyment.
ClotheslinesClotheslines are not permitted in our park.
Fireworks & FirearmsFireworks and firearms are strictly prohibited in our park. The prohibiting of fireworks includes sparklers, smoke bombs, aerials, and firecrackers. The prohibiting of firearms includes all guns including air soft, BB, and pellet guns. If these items are seen outside of your RV, you will be asked to leave immediately without a refund.
RepairsRepairs to RVs and vehicles are not permitted in our park. We are happy to recommend a local Mobile RV Repair service that comes out to your site to assist you with any repairs.
Safety & EmergenciesEmergency Contact Information forms are required from all monthly guests. This information remains private and used only when a situation arises when we need to contact someone in the event of an emergency or is sought by law enforcement agencies. We never give personal information out to others. If you need to call 911 for any reason, and time allows, please call the office so the maintenance staff can be prepared to escort the emergency personnel to your site.
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